Our Mission and Values
We exist to be disciples who make disciples of all nations. The Discipleship Pathway is our intentional plan to help you take the next step in your own spiritual journey. We want every person to know God, find community, make disciples, and change the world.

KNOW GOD through Weekly Worship and Teaching
We want every person to come to know God more through a weekly worship service and Biblical preaching.

FIND COMMUNITY in a Weekly Life Group Gathering
We want everyone at Long Hollow to find community in a weekly Life Group where you navigate life with others under the guidance of God’s Word.

MAKE DISCIPLES in Year-Long D-Groups of 3-5 Men or Women
We want God’s Word to take root in you and spread to others as you make disciples in a year-long D-Group.

CHANGE THE WORLD through Missions, Evangelism, and Volunteering
We want you to join God’s work to change the world through missions trips, sharing your faith, and using your gifts.

Our Core Values
The Bible is our sole authority.
We believe that the Bible is God’s Word, and everything we do must be rooted in scripture.
We’re not afraid to take risks.
We fear missed opportunities more than we fear failure, and we believe change is a normal part of growth.
We live and give with open hands.
We believe our time, talents, and treasure are a gift from God; we want to be known for our faithful stewardship and intentional generosity.
We’re all in this together.
We believe every person matters, and that a unified church is a healthy church.
Sometimes we say “no” so we can say “yes.”
We believe that God has a specific mission for Long Hollow, and that we’re the most effective when we intentionally focus on where He’s leading us.