Leave a Legacy
We Will LEAVE A LEGACY of Thriving Churches and Changed Lives
Our prayer is that Long Hollow will be part of a larger disciplemaking movement that spreads far beyond the borders of our county, and even our state. We want to plant churches in strategic cities, and also take the Gospel to millions across the globe.
As we reach and disciple local believers, we want to develop a missions-minded, church-planting congregation that is driven to take the Gospel to places we’ve yet to imagine.
We’ve started a church planting residency where we can empower future leaders with Long Hollow’s DNA of evangelism and heart for disciplemaking.

We’re partnering with the North American Mission Board (NAMB) to plant or support church plants in 32 strategic North American cities by 2032. We believe one of the best ways to reach the nation is through planting our people in strategic cities. We’ve recently planted in Salt Lake City, Boulder, Pittsburgh, and Los Angeles, and are planting a new church in Atlanta in 2020.
We’re targeting and adopting Unevangelized, Unreached People Groups (UUPGs) where we can support the spread of the Gospel.

We’re continuing our work to sponsor a translation of the Bible into a new language for a people group in Southeast Asia that have never had access to God’s Word in their native language. Luke and Acts are underway now, and will be into the hands of the community early next year!