Love Our City

We Will LOVE OUR CITY with Radical Intentionality

 Our efforts to reach our community with the hope of the Gospel take place both in and outside the walls of our church buildings. We want to mobilize our people to be the Church in every school, office, and neighborhood.













We want to plant a Long Hollow Life Group in each of the 185 neighborhoods in our county. This will extend our church’s ministry reach far beyond the walls of our campuses. As of 2019, we have Life Groups in 98 neighborhoods, putting us more than half-way toward our goal!
We want Life Groups to adopt and care for all 46 schools in our county. Teachers and administrators are among the most valuable members of our community, and we want to provide support for them in a tangible way.

We want to host Neighborhood Hangouts throughout our community to develop friendships that lead to Gospel conversations. The people and families that live on your street may never step foot in a church building, but they would love to connect over dinner in your back yard.

We want to provide hope to our community through impactful and strategic local outreach ministries. From caring for the homeless to providing hope to the hurting, we want to do everything we can to lift up and care for “the least of these.”